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      1. …in reply to @m_wimpress
        @m_wimpress Been happy with @mailbox_org for a few years (initially signed up to use my own domain for public-facing email). Migration tips: - Avoid server-side forwarding, lost plenty of mail between servers that way; personally I've used client-side rules in @mozthunderbird to copy... 1/X
    1. …in reply to @linusgroh
      @m_wimpress @mailbox_org @mozthunderbird ...emails from the old account into the new one's inbox on arrival - Gradually move accounts to new email (assuming this is for personal use) - whatever password manager you're using is a good tool for passively monitoring this - Accept that this will take a while, and is... 2/X
  1. …in reply to @linusgroh
    @m_wimpress @mailbox_org @mozthunderbird super boring - possibly a good time to think about custom domain to ease future provider change - Thunderbird also works to easily copy old/archived emails across accounts without having to handle complicated account exports/imports